Kitat Konenut Efrat Equipment Campaign
As Israel gets closer to applying sovereignty over the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, the ancient heartland of Israel, the threats of deadly terror attacks increases.
Every town and community in Judea and Samaria has a "Kitat Konenut" a rapid response counter-terrorist unit, established to stop those attacks from reaching the civilian population.
The units are made of up specially trained IDF reservists who are residents in those communities and volunteer their time and expertise to keep their neighbors safe, going out whenever danger calls, anytime day or night.
The Ari Fuld Project is raising money for the Kitat Konenut of Efrat - the counter-terrorist unit that Ari Fuld proudly served in from the moment he moved to Efrat.
The Ari Fuld Project is raising money for much-needed updated equipment for the team, including the following partial list:
Ballistic Helmets: $15,000 (Highest priority)
Eye Protection: $2500
Door Breach Gear: $4000
Radio Pouches: $700
Radio Gear: $40,000
The Ari Fuld Project is a registered Amuta (NGO) in Israel ID# 580672897 (with Tofes 46)
and a registered 501(c)(3) charity in the US: 83-3571366
For large donations, or donations by check, please contact us directly.