וּבְמָקוֹם שֶׁאֵין אֲנָשִׁים, הִשְׁתַּדֵּל לִהְיוֹת אִישׁ

פרקי אבות- משנה ב, פרק ה

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, October, 10, 2024

In a place where there are no men, strive to be a man.

Pirkei Avot - Mishna 2, Chapter 5

Join us as The Ari Fuld Project honors our partners and volunteers who helped us support our IDF soldiers and Israeli evacuees this past year.

The Lion of Zion Awards Ceremony 2024/5785

On the 6th Yahrzeit of Ari Fuld z"l, The Ari Fuld Project will be honoring Ari's memory and continuing his projects and legacy.

The Lion of Zion Award is given annually to a worthy Zionist activists who exemplify the values and ideals that Ari lived and promoted: Love for the Torah, combined with Building and Defending the Land and People of Israel.

In Pirkei Avot (Ethics of our Fathers 2:5) Hillel said, "In a place where there are no men, strive to be a man."

This past year has been a challenging one for the people of Israel. When critical components of our army and society failed, Jews from Israel and the Diaspora stepped up and stepped in to take on the burden.

This year, The Ari Fuld Project will be honoring dozens of those incredible people who helped us support our IDF soldiers and displaced Israelis. If there's anyone that exemplified Ari's teachings this past year, it is certainly these worthy recipients.

Please Support and Watch the Ceremony

Ceremony - Livestream

The event will be livestreamed on this page.

Thursday, October 10, 2024, in Gush Etzion

Doors Open: 5:30 PM Israel Time (10:30AM NY Time) - with Mincha

Ceremony Begins: 6:00 PM Israel Time (11:00 AM NY Time)

In the presence of Ari's family, friends and IDF soldiers.

הפרויקט של ארי פולד ז”ל גאה להכריז על הזוכים שלנו

בפרס "גיבור כארי" על שם ארי פולד ז”ל 2024 / תשפ”ה

The Ari Fuld "Lion of Zion" Prize 2024/ 5785

ניתן לצפות כאן בשידור החי ביום הטקס

ח' תשרי תשפ"ד, 10 אוקטובר 2024

פתיחת דלתות ושידור ישיר: 17:30 שעון ישראל

6:00PM הטקס בנוכחות מרים פולד

והענקת פרס " גיבור כארי" תשפ"ה / 2024

Event Sponsors:

Watch שדא The Lion of Zion Prize videos for 2023/5784:

The Full Event:

Miriam's Message:

Some Projects from 5783:

The Prize Recipient: Yishai Fleisher: